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Monday, April 28, 2008

CPDRC do Haruhi Suzumiya Dance... OMG!

Do you guys remember the "Thriller" dance done by the inmates of CPDRC? Yes, that ever famous video. They did a whole lot of dance numbers after that. They also became world famous. Not to mention, a following. Other prisons seem to have followed in their footsteps. Not just prisons, you have the police academy doing dance routines as well.

I heard they are now a tourist attraction. Good going.

Now, have you seen or hear of the Hare Hare Yukai? Hmm... The Haruhi Suzumiya Dance. At the end of Haruhi Suzumiya, they do a dance. It's been very famous lately. Especially in the anime and cosplay community.

Now, you guessed it. Unexpected as it may seem, the CPDRC inmates did their own rendition of the Hare Hare Yukai:

I was surprised myself...
I wonder what they would do next...
[N.B. Embeded video may not play or may not work on office computers. Hehehe]

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