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Monday, August 9, 2010

Glassblowing is not a Whore's Job

A friend of mine told me that she's quite biased with my blog entries. She likes my entries funny like the 'Rubber Candy' bit. So I thought, if I observed my surroundings long enough, I might be able to see something funny and worth writing about. So I did. But to no avail. It's not everyday that a kid approaches the condom stand, grabs a pack, and asks his dad if the thing in his hand is candy.

All the observing and waiting made me feel like a stalker, a paparazzi, a traffic cam. I was waiting for disaster to happen. So I thought maybe I time would show me the right event. Instead, I searched my memory for funny events that I have hidden in the dark places of my brain. And I did.

This happened when I was in college. It was almost the end of the semester and everyone in our laboratory class were checking on our borrowed glass ware if everything was still accounted for. Unfortunately for one group, one of their glass wares was damaged. It wasn't a volume sensitive glass ware so it was still repairable. They (they were a couple of ladies by the way) went to the glass blowing shop and asked the custodian to repair it for them. It was an easy fix so the custodian told them to come back at the end of our period.

After a couple of hours, I was at the glass ware counter returning everything that was borrowed. It so happened that the glass ware counter was within earshot of the glass blowing shop. It so happened that it was also time for the two ladies to pick up their glass ware. They asked the custodian, 'Kuya, tapos na ba yun pina-blow job namin sa 'yo?" (Kuya, is the thing we asked you to blow job done?) At that moment, I contained my laughter.

The custodian answered, yes and then he gave them their glass ware. Then, they left. It was only after a few minutes that they noticed that they said something vulgar and started giggling. I'm sure the custodian noticed it as soon as the two ladies did and probably laughed away his embarrassment.

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