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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Expendables

The Expendables is a movie about a team of mercenaries. I have to say, they were a level higher than the A-Team in the bad ass department.

I wasn't expecting much from the movie. I was curious because of its cast of household names in hard hitting action; Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham, Jet Li, Dolph Lundgren, Randy Couture, Steve Austin, Terry Crews, Mickey Rourke, Eric Roberts, with a cameo by Bruce Willis and Arnold Sczhwarzenegger. All that's missing were Steven Segal, and Jean Claude Van Damme, and maybe Vin Diesel. Jackie Chan won't fit in well in this movie. I'm not much of a the guns-a-blazing-war-type-movie but this movie was the bomb (a little archaic there). The sheer brutality of the fights made me want to finish it to the end. They showed the right way to defeat your enemy; humiliate and eliminate in the most brutal way... No mercy.

Now for the low down. Visuals. Like a said, guns-a-blazing, and explosions galore. There's a lot of gore; bodies torn in half, head and limbs cut off, not to mention a neck-breaking axe kick to the face (and I do mean neck breaking). Story. The story's pretty simple. A simple complete the mission and you're good to go. The action makes up for the simple story. Recommendations. This movie is an absolute must see for the action movie fan and the general masses. I would not recommend this for the critical movie fan though but I'm sure they would watch this for a simple review. Now for the tomato rating: I give it three tomatoes.

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