Since I got myself a Nintedo DS, I figured I'd write something about the games I've been playing on this hand-held device. Besides, I haven't had any game reviews. Rating system? Just a simple 1 to 8 scale. Don't ask why I chose 8 as the highest. And folks, I would just be giving reviews and not cheats since the net is probably crawling with the cheats already. Let's begin.
Contra 4. The classic 2D, shoot-em-up game with the classic Konami cheat is on the DS. The game stayed loyal to its classic roots of hard core 2D action and two player mode, as it was meant to be. There are three levels of difficulty and you can't see or play the last stages if you choose the easy mode, wimp. Graphics even stayed as close as the original but made use of the DS dual screen. But it didn't make full use of the DS's touch screen feature. Other features include a museum where you can view tidbits about the past Contra games. Ratings. Difficulty; 5 out of 8. Graphics: 4 out of 8. Playability: 7 out of 8. With an overall 5.3.
Spider-Man: Friend or Foe. Spider-Man teams up with his friends and foes in order to stop a planetary threat. Like that hasn't happened before. Nothing new there. Like all Spider-Man games, it is very linear and has very little to offer in terms of playability. Play it once and you're pretty much good. It makes very little use of the DS's touch screen. Only when switches or the like need to be tinkered with and to solve puzzles. Ratings. Difficulty: 3 out of 8. Graphics: 4 out of 8. Playability: 4 out of 8. With an overall of 3.7.
Viewtiful Joe: Double Trouble. Saving the best for last. Joe comes back for more on the hand-held. However, he would be fighting baddies in the real world. This game makes good use of the DS's touch screen; Scratch, Split, Switch. And what's a good Viewtiful Joe game with out the super slow mo. Even if you finish the game, you'd want to go at it again just to unlock all Joe's abilities. Henshin a-go-go, baby! Ratings. Difficulty: 5 out of 8. Graphics. 6 out of 8. Playability: 7 out of 8. With an overall 6.
There you go. The first three games. Come back for more DS game reviews. I'll probably have newer ones. Probably.
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