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Saturday, January 15, 2011

New Year, New Bill... Not Really

What better way to kick off the new year (a very late kick-off) than the bill on the additional tax on cigarettes. Ah, yes. I can't wait for the cigarette prices to sky rocket so the average wage smoker (or the poor smoker) would have to spend more in order to get a fix.

According to the newspaper article I read last year. The bill will take effect roughly around early 2011 or January 2011. I'm not sure on the exact date but I sure hope it happens soon. It will add about Php 30.00 to a pack of cigarettes. So if a pack costs Php 30, with the bill, it'll be Php 60 a pack. Your 1.50 per stick would now cost you double. How wonderful. I say, it should add more than 30, say 90 or 100. That would be most excellent. That should get the attention of a lot of smokers from the middle-class down to the below-poverty-line group. The higher class peeps probably wouldn't mind. Besides, most of them don't usually smoke with the common masses.

Seriously, a higher price tag on cigarettes will never eradicate smoking. But it will (hopefully) discourage smoking for those who earn very little or just enough, or discourage those who would like to take up smoking as a hobby. Especially those who smoke like it's okay for everyone to inhale their mouth farts. For example, chain smokers, or those who smoke while walking, loitering, or practically anywhere even if the sign says "NO SMOKING" or on the public vehicles. Those are the people who I want to suffer. Yes. Suffer. If you people want to smoke then go spend some more. Burn your money and pockets for all I care, you mouth farting freaks.

So, if you're one of those who are really affected, then too bad for you. I suggest you stock up on smokes while they're cheap. If you're not, then good for you (whether you're a non-smoker or you can still afford a smoke even if it's a USD a pop).

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