Life. It's such an amazing thing. Is it a thing by the way? Just imagine, you are the sole survivor from millions of sperm trying to get to the egg. Survival of the fittest, where the strongest is often the simplest. Being the sole survivor of that ordeal is reason enough to know that you are worthy of what you are and what you have now; they may be power or servitude, riches or knowledge, or anything.
Some of us think that the world revolves around just one person, whether others or ourselves. But of course we know that our lives are entangled webs. One person's action can cause another man's demise or fortune no matter how far apart they may be. If this is so, then my actions now can affect someone; somewhere or sometime.
Isn't it amazing how two complete strangers meet and end up together for the rest of their lives? It's amazing how they find each other in one vast ocean of people? Isn't it dreadful to know that the person you most hold dear is the one that would hurt you the most? Isn't it terrifying to know that someday, one person's actions could cause your ultimate end?
To each person is a purpose. To each event is a purpose. There is a reason for everything, may it be divine or unholy. There is a reason why you are reading this right now. It might be to save you or hurt you in the long run. Let us say that as you read this, you do not notice the time. All of a sudden you notice that you are already late then it follows that you already missed your usual ride. Many things may happen. It is possible that your usual ride met an accident and thanks to reading this you were spared. It is also possible that since you are late, you take another ride and your ride meets the accident. It scares you to know that reading this may cause you harm. Interesting, isn't it? How a small drop of water can cause a big tidal wave.
Do you know what your purpose is? Do you know the reason why you were born on this earth? Are you placed here to help others? Or are you here to bring upon the destruction of man? Nobody knows what his or her purpose really is. Those people that have done great things chose to do great things. Your purpose is not set for you. It is not predestined. You make it. You choose your purpose and you decide to make it happen. You decide if you want to become that drop of water.
Great things need not be defined as good or evil. Good or otherwise, a great thing is a great thing. But what is good and what is evil? Without evil, will there be good? It seems that one cannot exist without the other, or neither really exists. To many, a lesser evil seems good when compared to a greater evil. So, do many say that the lesser evil is good? If so, then evil is food (good). If one equals the other, neither will exist.
There are many questions in life that remain unanswered. They remain as such because they are not meant to be answered at all. They are there for us to know what our purpose really is. The biggest question is not about life but life itself. What is the real meaning of life? Is it purpose? Some say you know the answer to a question when you no longer need the answer. Will we know the meaning of life when we die? We'll just have to wait and see.
Life and death. Is there really life after death? Our faith leads us to believe that there is such; that there is or are beings higher than us that created us. He may be God, Allah, Bathala, Kami-sama, Shiva, Vishnu, Zeus, Jupiter, Odin or called by any other name. Many of us believe in this supreme being but of course there are those who do not. To know whether there is really life after death is to believe in it. Believing in your chosen faith will lead you to the answer you seek. But know this, belief is different from what may be the truth.
I guess now there are more questions you are asking yourself that you have before. I didn't write this to answer your questions or to satisfy your inquisitive mind. I wrote this to convey what I think. I wrote this so that I may be the one whose questions be answered but I guess my efforts are to no avail. Time draws nigh and someday we will all get our answers and to all things, an ending.
Life... purposeful or not, is a gift in itself... to the deserving or undeserving.
I remember this quote from a movie...
"It Is Said Some Lives Are Linked Across Time.....They Are Connected By An Ancient Calling..... DESTINY." - Prince of Persia
I think the type-o is great so I left it there and just placed the correction beside it.
nyahahaha!!! brilliant!!!
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